Flight Risk Episode 2: The Pattern
The Saudi Students who Escaped Oregon Justice — VIDEO
When Ginger Mooney first appeared in Oregon court for Abdulrahman Noorah, in the 2016 hit and run death of Fallon Smart, nobody knew that the attorney was already a pro at representing the particular needs of Saudi students facing criminal charges in America.
Part 2 details Mooney’s known Saudi defendants — who were paying clients — spread out all over the state, at a time when she was handling fewer and fewer criminal cases, and at a time when she accepted state dollars to represent the indigent in court: It was a pattern.
Unlike other reporting, this series will focus on public corruption, negligence, and misconduct by Americans on these students’ behalf. That is, it wasn’t just the Saudi government that facilitated their escape.
4-part docuseries premieres a new episode every week.¹ Subscribe to my YouTube channel for notifications.
¹ Series has been delayed due to a death in the family.