Vanessa Sturgeon has entered the spat
The latest from the Freddy Nelson Jr. wrongful death suit
A motion was filed yesterday to once again amend the complaint in the Freddy Nelson Jr. wrongful death suit. The changes are major, and are getting pretty damn close to saying that TMT Development president Vanessa Sturgeon is individually or personally responsible for the horrific shooting.
The first three iterations of the complaint made no mention of Sturgeon at all, and TMT was not the main villain, Cornerstone Security was.
But this fourth version specifically names Sturgeon twice, and a whole new passage about her and TMT is now inserted as the first paragraph in the factual background section:
Of even greater significance, is that Nelson’s family has added a prayer for “punitive damages against the TMT Defendants” up to $50,000,000, bringing the entire claim up to $200,000,000.
The amped up complaint talks a lot about TMT’s “zero tolerance policy” for minor offenses on their properties, and Sturgeon’s inability to identify a single “dangerous” incident at the property that would justify hiring armed security. Because Sturgeon just kept shrieking “danger” without providing any examples, she willed her fever dream into becoming the Nelson family’s nightmare reality.
But for Sturgeon’s determined imperviousness to facts, reason, and the word “no,” Nelson would likely be alive today. And these are the consequences. She can’t say she wasn’t warned.